Well, we may all have different answers to
this. But for us at ONA, the lovers of ‘Liquorice strands’ of data eCable, it is
our employees.
I suppose this is not a total ecclesiastical
epiphany. It has been written about extensively. But for us, as a small
established business, we believe in our employees.
Employees are not simply facilitators of a series
of daily tasks. Employees and especially those that are client facing, have to
have many assets. They are in truth an extension of the business. They are a representative
of. They see, speak and work with our clients and our clients’ clients.
So besides the carefully prepared plans for installing
cables into the many hidden nooks and crannies of your building, to create the
necessary connectivity of your systems; computer, voice, visual and data et
cetera. We have to ensure that our employees can liaise and deal with all the general
challenges that we find 'on-site', professionally. They provide opportunity for the longevity of the business by building relationships. We at ONA
have a 100% efficiency at client retention.

'on-site'. We do this partially through training.
It is essential to be able to walk 'on-site'
nowadays, to have a ‘ticket’ for this or that. Proof that you have been appropriately
trained to do a task with specialist equipment. This is a necessity. More than
that though, it shows that we take an interest in our employees. We make them knowledgeable
about the product, the installation, the environment they work in, and do it
Now we know there is not always a huge slush
fund for training. Often training will be one of those internal budgets that
will get slashed, or cut completely when the business chips are down. But just
consider, the adage ‘what you put in, you get out’. The same applies for your
We at ONA do not have a large budget for training.
But we keep abreast of developing times, and as such we ensure that we keep up
to date with our training needs. So if we ever had to carry out C.P.R., up a five
meter scissor lift. We will ensure that everyone is wearing a hard hat and
harness, we can operate the scissor lift, the ambulance has been called, but
via the appropriate procedures set out by the lead
contractor. Plus we will have ensured that we have obtained, read and understood the asbestos survey prior to commencing work.
Our simple business plan is we invest in our employees, for our business future.